

YewでJSONをHTML表示: チュートリアルの備忘録

struct Video {
    id: usize,
    title: String,
    speaker: String,
    url: String,
let videos = vec![
    Video {
        id: 1,
        title: "Building and breaking things".to_string(),
        speaker: "John Doe".to_string(),
        url: "https://youtu.be/PsaFVLr8t4E".to_string(),
    Video {
        id: 2,
        title: "The development process".to_string(),
        speaker: "Jane Smith".to_string(),
        url: "https://youtu.be/PsaFVLr8t4E".to_string(),
    Video {
        id: 3,
        title: "The Web 7.0".to_string(),
        speaker: "Matt Miller".to_string(),
        url: "https://youtu.be/PsaFVLr8t4E".to_string(),
    Video {
        id: 4,
        title: "Mouseless development".to_string(),
        speaker: "Tom Jerry".to_string(),
        url: "https://youtu.be/PsaFVLr8t4E".to_string(),

to html

let videos = videos.iter().map(|video| html! {
    <p key={video.id}>{format!("{}: {}", video.speaker, video.title)}</p>


html! {
  { videos }

Tutorial | Yew